Monday 27 June 2011

january 1982 birthdays

January 1982

Rey Garcia has just turned 18 and soon beginning his last semester at high school. After graduating he will join his older siblings at college, and will study Physics in the Exact Science faculty.


  • Rey's facial features changed so much on his age up from teen to adult, which is a great thing in my opinion because he looks much better now! He also finally gained height, he was very short for a man until now.
  • Other than his eyes, which are his dad's, I can't tell where Rey's features are from. He looked like his mom when he was a teen but now he doesn't look like either parent.


  1. I like when that happens, I have friends who don't even look related to the rest of their family! It happens like that sometimes. But regardless, he's still very cute!

  2. Mizzgin03, I don't look like the rest of my family either but with TS2 genetics it doesn't make too much sense. I'm pretty sure it's just that his mother's features look very different on a boy!
